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Beijingfuturesdreams, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

China's Dynastic History -- Tang Dynasty

Tang Dynasty

Following the harsh, but unifying rule of the Sui Dynsty, the Tang dynasty was to rule for the next 300 years (barring one interruption of 15 years). This dynasty is marked by historians for the cultural richness and development that was made possible by such an extended period of unity.

Trade in goods and culture expanded greatly due tot eh newly constructed Great Canal, which opened up China’s waterways. The “Silk Road,” rich in trade between the Middle East and Central Asia, was also of great importance as Turkish soldiers were heavily recruited into the Chinese ranks. With new influxes of exotic goods, the Chinese social fabric was again inundated with new creative and artistic styles and techniques, further increasing the diversity of the arts.

Though this Dynasty was also to fall to rebellion and social unrest, the hundreds of years of prosperity were to have a lasting effect in many ways. Political reform, especially the unified (if stratified) legal code, was an ideal to be held through the remainder of China’s dynasties. The Tang additionally attempted a national census, using low tax rates as incentive for households to report. Official estimates of the time were approximately 59 million peoples, while many historians speculate that nearly 80 million inhabitants existed by the end of the dynasty.

Further information can be found at the following websites or other sources.

Wikipedia Entry
China History Forum

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