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Beijingfuturesdreams, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

China’s Dynastic History – Brief Introduction

China’s Dynastic History – Brief Introduction

Chinese civilization has a history that spans nearly 5000 years, and much of this history has been recorded in terms of the different ruling dynasties. Reference sources have divided up Chinese history into various numbers of dynastic periods. The exact number of dynasties is still debated by historians, but this blog will briefly discuss these dynastic periods in 12 distinct groupings.

Each of these sections will briefly outline some of the highlighted cultural and technological developments of the dynasty. It will also provide a short amount of inter dynastic trend theory. This kind of historical trend analysis is generally regarded as “soft futures,” but it may provide a reference in understanding the futures process and the goal of futures work in the present.
Below are the 12 major dynastic periods that will be discussed throughout the month of June on the One World, One Dream. Whose? blog.

Below are listed some of the major periods of China’s Dynastic History.
1) Xia Dynasty (2100-1600 BC)
2) Qin Dynasty (1600-1612BC)
3) Shang Dynasty (1612-1046 BC)
4) Zhou (Eastern and Western) (1122-256 BC)
5) Han Dynasty(221BC-206 AD)
6) Turbulent Period (featuring Jin, Sui, and southern/northern Dynasties)(207-581 AD)
7) Sui Dynasty (581-618AD)
8) Tang (618-907 AD)
9) Second Turbulent Period (including concurrent Liao, Song, Jin and W. Xia dynasties) ( 907-1271AD)
10) Yuan (1271-1368AD)
11) Ming (1368-1644AD)
12) Qing (1644-1911AD)

Archaeological finds across China continue to fuel debate and speculation concerning the origins of Chinese Civilization, and provide us with windows into the fascinating past of China.

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