Qin Dynasty
Though this dynastic reign lasted only 12 years, policies and standards implemented were to last for the entirety of the Imperial Period. Under the ruler Qin, a centralized government was established to unify the tribes living in majority of geographic Han China. This government adhered to a Legalist philosophy, which is the stereotypical Disciplined society, in futurist terms—strict legal code governing all behavior and action. Though the political system was not fit to last, and gave way to the Han dynasty quickly, it was important in the standardization of numerous elements of the unified civil society.
The public works projects of this time period were of such a magnitude that necessities in communications, transportation, and resource management required strict coding. The creation of a unified legal code, and written language facilitated trans-regional trade and the coordination of workers and building materials. A unified system of measurement, coined currency, and other universal decrees, made project like the first Great Wall, the Terracotta Army, and a greatly expanded irrigation system possible.
Many of these standards continued in usage for the remainder of the Imperial age, thus providing an interesting glimpse at the ways in which short time periods can have huge and unpredictable effects on the long term development of organizations.
For more information on the Qin Dynasty please research further at these and other sites:
Baltimore City Public Schools
Wikipedia Entry
China History Forum
Design and Futures ebook and paperback release
5 years ago
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